Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Augustus/Octavian Bio


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WWII fixed?...


Caused by:
Treaty of verssailles -> angry germany -> german nationalism
japan beings to imperialize

Germany ends up becoming an ally, allies gone from japan and democracy is formed

WWII stopped expansionists in Germany (Nazi), Italy and japan, but there were no preventive measures.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Post WWI Changes/Continuities

Split ups around the world in places like Europe and the Middle east
Countries that lost the war got put to nationalism and were split among the winners
Treaty of Versailles
New map with new borders

Original world powers remain dominant
They won the war and therefor have the money to be able to do so
France + Britain remain in Africa

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Similarities & Differences between Islamic and Asian Empires

-Ruled by centralized monarchy
   -Caused by the early military rulers
-Stopped Technological innovations
   -This happened because this was their way of attempting to stop the destabilization that they thought was caused by change.

   -No more value for warrior class
   -No value for woman in Gov't

   -Warrior class held importance still
   -Value for woman
        -In nomadic societies, woman were respected, which probably influences this

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ottoman, Savafid, Mughal

Bentley and Ziegler probably grouped these empires together because of all the direct relations between them. They all had absolute monarchies (with military leaders), were all islamic, and their locations were somewhat close. Honestly though I think there could have been better grouping with these places, but perhaps there was not enough information to give these their own chapters, or maybe bentley and ziegler just got lazy.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fabian Fucan's Attack on Christianity

Fabian Fucan's attack on Christianity focuses on his preference and promotion of Buddhism and Confucianism over Christianity. Fucan considers Christianity and Christians as a whole barbaric(cultural). According to Fucan, the Christians have attempted to take over other religions and countries in previous times(historical), and that historically the Christians will always attempt to do so(political) . In addition, Fucan criticizes Christians as barbaric martyrs.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Qianlong letter POV

He had a condescending ton in his letter; probably because of his surroundings. He had always gotten what he wanted and the eunuchs were always there to serve him, so he really had no reason to speak to him otherwise because outside of his little bubble, he didn't know much

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

History's predictive value

History's predictive value holds true. The patterns seen from the past (dyanties, in this case) show that events or standards can be predicted. The patterns used from past dynasties can be seen to effectively predict "future" events in coming dynasties. An example of this is on Mike's blog, where he predicted that China would focus on traditional values, and it came true. He used the information from past to project... THE FUTURE.

Predictions: Mine were wrong :(

The preditctions I made based on the pattern I thought I saw were incorrect. My prediction for the Ming was somewhat close in that the duration was sort of close, population also.

For the Qing however, my prediction barely held true, the duration was completely off. And the population was
Nowhere near my prediction, much higher than my prediction.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mong and Qing predictions

Based on the duration and population patterns:

The Ming:
- Will last around 200 years
- Population will be around 145-155 million

The Qing:
- Will last around 60-70 years
- Population will be around 165-175 million

The pattern of the duration seems to be a long and short period. And there seems to be steady growth in population.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Three graphs.

The first graph shows steady population growth in Africa from the 1500's to the 1800's; it grew from a "small" 35 million all the way to 60 million. This means that every 100 years or so, the population grew steadily at 7 million.

The second graph is describing the increase in the number of slave exports from the 1600's to the 1800's. the thing i found surprising about this was that the way the graph was made, almost made it seem that there was a huge gap in the population from slave exports, when really the total population growth made that seem like not so much.

And in the final graph, a pie chart, we see different destinations for the slave exports. Most of the slaves were sent to the caribbean, where the importance of sugar was. I found it interesting how so many slaves were sent to one place, even considering the fact that sugar was immensely important, there still isnt much land for all those slaves. But then again, the owners of the plantations had no concern for that,

These graphs did not really add any information to what I knew already; but it definitely helped me grasp the information better.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Comments on other people's charts

Hey Amit! My favorite part about your chart was the simplicity of it, it made it very quick to look at and understand, but I think more colors would have made it slightly cooler.

CIAO Nick,
You made your flowcharts very easy to look at and easy to navigate, and I thought you did an awesome job at keeping it colorful.

Hey Tim, 
I think you did a really good job on your flowchart in that you not only gave the names of each hierarchy, but you explained them; the only critique I have is the lack of color.

Hierarchal flowcharts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Voicethread reviw

I genuinely like the whole concept that voicethread has, but this application can be sort of confusing and overall difficult to use. Some image sizing and ability to check the comments could use some fixing, but the other stuff seemed pretty much in check. The desktop version is a million times easier to use and is organized much better; ipad app needs to take some notes on that... Otherwise overall good idea/concept, but the application could use work

Link to my VoiceThread


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My boy Christopher Columbus

Why is there a myth about Christopher Columbus, and why do we have a holiday for him?

Well the myth about his exists probably because the real story, of how Columbus really was, isn't so pleasant. And I'm sure if people knew the real story of corruption that was involved with the life of Columbus, Genoa (and other places he resided or was in very close contact with) would have been a whole lot less popular. And the human brain always needs one good tale here or there, whether it becomes a myth that children are brought up believing is truth ( D: Santa? ) is completely random with this kind of thing I guess. Same thing for the holiday, humans generally need some large figure to look up to, an important event, the apparent "founding" of the land you live on now, it doesn't exactly matter I guess, but someone or something well known usually sticks and changes around. And I'm sure the fact that Columbus was rich "helped" the stories that were written about him.

Reflect on the contents of the essay. What will be new/change about the path of history in this coming era? What do you think will continue/stay the same?

The biggest change with the new coming era will probably be the connecting of eastern and western hemispheres, (theoretically) amalgamating the two. Trade will actually become a "global" thing after the two connect and more of the globe is interacting with itself. This means the same trade routes that have remained beforehand, will now expand, and new ones will also have to be created. With the entire world now trading, slaves will make their way into parts of the world where they had not been seen before; popularizing the slavery will make things worse for slaves, inhumanity will rise. Along with the rise of slavery, the rise of Europe, and it's partaking in world history as a whole, will greatly increase. I think for things remaining the same in this era, will greatly outweigh the things that are changing, quantity-wise, anyways. Agriculture, religion, trade as talked about earlier will all remain the same.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta: Map Questions

Do you think that Ibn and Marco are typical of the people of their time period? Why or why not? Are they typical of this time period? Why or why not?

I think that Ibn and Marco were both somewhat typical people; what I mean is that they were probably like typical merchants, in that they seemed to have gone to popular trade routes and trade centers in the areas they traveled, but they weren't typical citizens who stayed in place. Although I admit there is a ridiculous amount of ground covered by both of them, making them not so typical I guess. It is understandable that people would really like to go to a few of these routes/centers for trade, but these two went over the top for any time period, really. Even in the current time period, where travel is so much easier, people don't generally go to that many places in one vacation or something.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Crusades Project: Comments

Hey Lawrence,
I also did the Childrens crusade, i thought it would be pretty good to use in this project. And I also thought about using Xtranormal, but i dont have the patience to use it, im glad you do.

Hey, Sharleen
I saw you were doing the children’s Crusade, I thought these might help

Hey Rachel,
I thought this might be helpful to you on the first crusade

Crusades Project: Final Product

And Bibliography here.

Finding the information for me was the hardest part, I wanted to summarize each one effectively.
I ended up going with the video instead of prezi because i feel very limited on prezi.
A problem with this was my video editing software not cooperating with me.
It worked out slightly less good than i expected because the mic on my camera is not very good. And also i could not render the video in 720p because it refused to work with me.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The crusades project: entry 2

During class today I got some research done using mostly Google, so I guess to balance out my stuff I'm going to have to use Bing or sweetsearch, which should be delightful. Feeling pretty happy with my project so far. Have to film my stuff tonight to get it done.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Crusades project: Entry 1

The three Crusades I have decided to focus on are: The People's Crusade, The Children's Crusade, and The Eighth Crusade. I chose these three because with these, to me it sort of feels like a gradual increase in ridiculousness, and a beginning-middle-end sort of deal. I was hoping to either get this done in a Prezi or make an interview video with myself; I've never made a good Prezi, and an interview video with myself seem like a lot of work so i have some deciding to do. So far I have used Wikipedia, the textbook we use for class, and obviously Google ( I really liked the country code thing). I feel like I've finished with most of my research, but I don't yet feel like I've done enough to determine which one has really worked best for me.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Map of Africa

The textbook company omitted these details from the map probably because the conflicts with he other details already on the maps. The details we added in class such as the religion and specifica on trade routes probably would not have fit very well on the map with all of the other regions already on the map. The impact of the additions we made in class was that it showed the incomplete picture that this map, or maps in textbooks in particular can show

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How I'd like to be remembered

If my life ever reaches the point where it becomes something that someone feels the need to write it down and record it, I would be pleasantly surprised. But I definitely would not want it to be done in the boring text book style, I would want people to actually be interested in it, preferably in a song or a story. I guess that a story even, if not done correctly could just look like a giant wall of Times New Roman and be just as boring as a chapter in a text book, but it would be easier to captivate an audience with a story than a listing of "facts". Note: positive exaggerations are appreciated.