Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Comments on other people's charts

Hey Amit! My favorite part about your chart was the simplicity of it, it made it very quick to look at and understand, but I think more colors would have made it slightly cooler.

CIAO Nick,
You made your flowcharts very easy to look at and easy to navigate, and I thought you did an awesome job at keeping it colorful.

Hey Tim, 
I think you did a really good job on your flowchart in that you not only gave the names of each hierarchy, but you explained them; the only critique I have is the lack of color.

Hierarchal flowcharts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Voicethread reviw

I genuinely like the whole concept that voicethread has, but this application can be sort of confusing and overall difficult to use. Some image sizing and ability to check the comments could use some fixing, but the other stuff seemed pretty much in check. The desktop version is a million times easier to use and is organized much better; ipad app needs to take some notes on that... Otherwise overall good idea/concept, but the application could use work

Link to my VoiceThread

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My boy Christopher Columbus

Why is there a myth about Christopher Columbus, and why do we have a holiday for him?

Well the myth about his exists probably because the real story, of how Columbus really was, isn't so pleasant. And I'm sure if people knew the real story of corruption that was involved with the life of Columbus, Genoa (and other places he resided or was in very close contact with) would have been a whole lot less popular. And the human brain always needs one good tale here or there, whether it becomes a myth that children are brought up believing is truth ( D: Santa? ) is completely random with this kind of thing I guess. Same thing for the holiday, humans generally need some large figure to look up to, an important event, the apparent "founding" of the land you live on now, it doesn't exactly matter I guess, but someone or something well known usually sticks and changes around. And I'm sure the fact that Columbus was rich "helped" the stories that were written about him.

Reflect on the contents of the essay. What will be new/change about the path of history in this coming era? What do you think will continue/stay the same?

The biggest change with the new coming era will probably be the connecting of eastern and western hemispheres, (theoretically) amalgamating the two. Trade will actually become a "global" thing after the two connect and more of the globe is interacting with itself. This means the same trade routes that have remained beforehand, will now expand, and new ones will also have to be created. With the entire world now trading, slaves will make their way into parts of the world where they had not been seen before; popularizing the slavery will make things worse for slaves, inhumanity will rise. Along with the rise of slavery, the rise of Europe, and it's partaking in world history as a whole, will greatly increase. I think for things remaining the same in this era, will greatly outweigh the things that are changing, quantity-wise, anyways. Agriculture, religion, trade as talked about earlier will all remain the same.